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Use the demobot at t.me/noisegpt

Use the premiumbot at noisegpt.com/premium For the premiumbot you need to have at least 1 noiseGPT, 1 SCHIZO_POSTER or 1 Lilverse NFT in your wallet. Holdings will be verified by the collabland bot: make sure to click start after the bot opens a chat (a lot of people forget this step and click on an old collabland link, giving a time-out error).

The telegram bot can be added to any group (give admin rights) or used in DM. Simply start the bot by saying /start@ngptdemobot After that the bot will tell you the commands he can take at the then valid version. Currently for example you can push your prompt by typing:

/speak /voice <your text here>

The bot will take your text and based on any further input create the desired voicemessage and reply this to you.

Last updated